Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Problem with Primaries

    Presidential primaries are the elections for those who will represent specific parties, and eventually run for President.  I feel that although the Presidential primaries are undoubtedly necessary, there are some flaws in the outcomes of them.
   The major problem that I have with Presidential primaries deals with the fact that political activists are the majority of voters during them.  Only those who strongly relate to certain parties are the ones that show up to vote for the eventual Presidential candidate.  Because the primary voters are political extremists, Presidential nominees are forced to appeal to them, basing their platforms on far right Republican ideologies or far left Democratic ideologies.
   Although it makes sense that Presidential nominees assert strong ideological views in order to appeal to primary voters, it can also prove dangerous when the general election comes around.  Once the general election rolls around, the then Presidential candidate, who is probably the most ideologically extreme of the nominees, is forced to focus his/her platform back to the center.  The reason that this happens is because once the primaries are over, it is the Presidential candidates job to appeal to the general population.  This is true because although it is a sure thing that die-hard Republicans will vote for the Republican candidate, and die-hard Democrats will vote for the Democratic candidate, the majority of American citizens who is left deciding, must choose between one of the two.
    Another major problem that I have with the primary system deals with the fact that once primaries are over, the general population is left to vote for the most extreme Presidential candidate of the nominees.  And although the Presidential candidate might take a more centrist view during the general election, his original ideologies will not change once elected President of the United States.  Because of this, I feel, that no matter what the public does, our current primary system leaves us voting for the most extreme Democratic candidate or the most extreme Republican candidate.

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