Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What Factors Affect the Strength of an Interest Group?

    When looking at the American political system, one can not ignore the huge role that interest groups play in almost every election.  When running for office, it is in a candidates best interests to support the same causes as powerful interest groups do.  Certain interest groups like the National Rifle Association, the Sierra Club and the American Federation of Labor are more powerful than others.  One question that is common for those studying politics deals with why certain interest groups are more powerful than others, and what affects the strength of an interest group?
    There are a number of reasons for why certain interest groups are stronger than others.  The first reason deals with the number of supporters or group members it has.  Some interest groups, like the NRA, represent the views of many Americans, allowing for a strong support base.  If the a large number of Americans support the cause of an interest group, than it would be in a candidates best interests to support the interest group supported by their constituents.  The second factor that affects the strength of an interest group is whether or not they are affiliated with the majority party in congress.  For example, the NRA is a relatively conservative interest group, therefore they hope for the majority party in congress to be Republican, allowing for the passing of more pro-gun bills.  A third factor that affects the strength of a certain interest groups deals with how many other interest groups support a similar cause, and whether or not the two groups can work together for a common goal.  Some of the strongest interest groups in America are those that have a mother branch, and a number of smaller groups that support and work with the larger group.
    In conclusion, although it may seem simple to create a strong interest group, there are many factors that one must consider before attempting to do so.  These factors are the support of American citizens, the support of the majority party, and the support of other interest groups.  Without the support of these various other elements of our political system, an interest group will not succeed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Important is Public Opinion?

    When looking at political elections, there are a number of reasons why one candidate claims victory over another.  One of the main reasons for victory is a positive public opinion.  Public opinion is conducted by means of polls, surveys and questionaires.  All of these polling techniques are used to gage the American citizens approval ratings of candidates running for office, and politicians already occupying a seat in office.  In order to win a campaign, it is in a candidates best interests to have high approval ratings in public opinion polls, as afterall, it is the public who controls a candidates employment.
    I believe that although some candidates seem to win elections even with low approval ratings, it is definitely important to gain support through public opinion when running for an election.  History and statistics show that candidates who make an effort to gain approval through public opinion, are usually more successful politicians.  Although there are exceptions (George W. Bush; who had one of the lowest approval ratings in history, while still managing to get elected into a second term), I believe that approval ratings and public opinion polls are more crucial for politicians on a state and local level.  For instance, many Presidents have had low approval ratings, but still managed to win elections, as citizens are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils thanks to our two-party system.  But, on a state and local level, elections are much more frequent beckoning constant support from a candidates constituents if a candidate wishes to occupy a seat in the House/Senate.
    In conclusion, I believe that in order to be a successful, life-long politician, it is vital to gain support through public opinion.  Although government officials on a federal level can ignore public opinion to an extent, the bottom line of winning an election deals with whether or not the public votes for you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Much do Interest Groups Actually Contribute?

    When looking at the American political system, the intricacies and expenses of elections sometimes go unnoticed.  When an American citizen decides to run for a political position, one of the primary concerns regarding their upcoming campaigns is how much money they will actually need to win.  New York's two senators for instance, raised $12,899,624 (Sen. Gillibrand) and $19,065,923 (Sen. Schumer) respectively.  Those who chose to run against them raised significantly less (The largest sum of one of the losers was only $2,112,884).  When looking at New York's district members of congress, the congressman that raised the highest was Carolyn Maloney at $2,932,000.
    Although these numbers seem staggering, political candidates rarely pay a large percentage of these numbers themselves.  They get help from campaign workers who work around the clock to raise money from the candidate's constituents.  Besides the money that comes from donations, money that comes from elsewhere, usually flows in from special Interest groups.  Senator Gillibrand attributes 20% of her money raised to special interest groups while Senator Schumer accumulated 15%.  While these numbers may be low, they may also in fact be skewed.  Members of interest groups are usually familiar with candidates in their district who support their cause.  In knowing these candidates, often times members of certain interest groups donate money to the candidate personally to show support on a personal level.
    I feel that interest groups are both necessary and effective in demonstrating support for congressional/senatorial/presidential candidates because it helps these candidates raise money without going "door to door".  While these candidates can enjoy easy access to campaign contributions, members of these interest groups who have to pay fees or donate, can rest assured knowing that their money is being put to good use.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How Do Interest Groups Form?

    One of the many questions surrounding the topic of interest groups is how in fact they actually become an interest group.  While there are many different interest groups in the political realm, there are only a few reasons attributed to their formation.
    Usually, when an interest group forms, it happens when a group of individuals share a common interest.  The only difference between interest groups and interest-based clubs is that, those who join interest groups not only feel a certain way, but they feel strongly enough to try and preserve/change legislation in Government regarding their interest.  Some groups are formed to compete for economic resources, while other groups form to show support for the preservation of rights that may seem to be dwindling.  An example of this is the National Rifle Association and its counterpart, the Brady Campaign.  Those who join the National Rifle Association do so with hopes that their constitutional right to bear arms will not be taken away.  Those who join the Brady Campaign do so to help elect Government officials who will help pass legislation to create stricter rules regarding gun use/ownage.
    Individuals who join interest groups do so because of their strong feelings towards the cause being fought over on the legislative level.  Contributing money to these interest groups is one way in which its members can feel as though they did their part in helping the cause in which they so strongly believe in.  Aside from lobbying, interest groups also rally and march hoping to spread their word, gain media coverage, and eventually, more members. (I forgot how to cite neatly, but I know you wanted citations, I'm sorry I'll try and figure it out for next time)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Positives and Negatives of Interest Groups

    When looking at the American political system, one can point out many positives and negatives within the system.  One aspect of the American political system that has both positives and negatives are Interest Groups.
    When looking at interest groups, one can argue that they are either positive or negative.  One positive aspect of interest groups that is often discussed deals with the fact that they bring light to certain issues which would otherwise be ignored.  With minority issues facing the danger of being ignored, interest groups that address this issue help to bring attention to it.  By lobbying and donating money to influential candidates, interest groups that support minority issues have a chance to put government officials into office who will feel obligated to address and sympathize with the issue at hand.  Another positive aspect of interest groups has to do with preserving our Constitutional rights.  With gun violence increasing, many government officials sympathize with strong gun control bills.  Interest Groups such as the National Rifle Association (NRA), help to preserve our Constitutional rights by donating large sums of money to candidates who support our Constitutional right ro bear arms.
    Although there are postivie aspects around interest groups, I believe that interest groups are a negative aspect of American politics.  I believe that candidates should raise money and win spots in office based upon their views and appeals, unbiased to the views and beliefs of interest groups.  When candidates are elected into office with the help of interest groups, things that they originally supported may fall second to interest groups' views.  In order to feel like they properly pay back interest groups, newly elected government officials may disregard their original intents in office and fall victim to the views of political interest groups.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Should Primary Elections Be Held On A National Level?

    Although Presidential primaries are usually only voted on by extremely politcally active citizens, these primaries still take longer than the Presidential election.  One problem with Presidential primaries deals with the fact that they take close to a year to complete, causing many people to in fact lose interest by the time the primary election comes around to their state.  Another problem with Presidential primaries deals with the fact that each state has different laws concerning how to go about electing the future Presidential nominee.  One solution that could fix both of these problems would be to hold the Presidential primary elections on a national scale.
    By holding the Presidential primaries on a national scale, not only will it be more fair, but it will also cut the time from close to a year to under a week.  With some states holding caucuses and others holding primary elections, party nominees could use strategy to win, which I feel doesn't represent the true feelings of American citizens.  By holding the Presidential primaries nationally, all states would be forced to use a similar type of voting style, making strategic efforts to win, that much more difficult.
    Another benefit that a national Presidential primary creates is the possibility of more voters.  If held on a national scale, Presidential primaries would recieve much more attention from the media, causing potential voters to feel the need to vote.  This would also eliminate the extremist outcome that comes with a drawn out state-by-state Presidential primary.
    In conclusion, I feel as though holding Presidential primaries on a national scale would be a positive change in the way we elect our President.  I also feel that by holding these primaries nationally, third parties would recieve more attention, helping to negate the perils of a two-party system.